PE Expectations for students
PE and sport is an important part of our curriculum. We have created a set of expectations to make this work effectively and to help students enjoy their lessons. These are set out on the reverse and we would value your support in ensuring students follow with these.
Safety online
Using computers or handheld devices such as mobile phones is now part of our everyday lives including our students. How-ever, there are dangers in being online and we need to help students understand these and teach them how to be safe. On the reverse are ten simple rules to follow when working online. It would be great if you could find time to review these with your child.
Extra-curricular activities
This week saw the beginning of our extra-curricular activities for year 7 and 8. These classes run from 3.15pm until 4pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. There are three options to choose form in the first term with another set of options after Christmas.
Advance notice for Christmas celebration at St John’s church
Advance notice—look out for details of our end of term celebration at St John’s church on the morning of 14th December 2018
PE Expectations
PE lessons take place at the new Moberley Everyone Active Sports Centre on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, just a short walk up from Bales School towards Kensal Rise.
You are representing the school from the moment you leave the school gates.
The following expectations will make PE more enjoyable
1. Line up for registration at the school gate at your allotted PE time.
2. Prior to PE you must be in full school uniform. During PE you must wear school PE kit.
3. Forgetting to bring your PE kit will result in a kit fault. Two kit faults in a term will result in a PE break time detention.
4. All jewellery and watches must be removed for PE.
5. If you are unable to do PE due to medical reasons please bring a note from a parent/guardian. If you are deemed fit enough you will be expected to undertake a leadership role in the lesson.
6. You are expected to change in a sensible and mature fashion.
7. During PE lessons, cooperation, respect and fair play are integral.
8. Swim caps must be worn for swim sessions.
For any comments about sport, please email Miss Cranston, head of PE, at
10 Steps for keeping your child safe online
1. Decide whether you want them to have their computer in their bedrooms.
2. Don’t allow them to post personal information online – like address, email address or mobile number.
3. Check before they post pictures or videos. Once a picture is online most people can see it and may be able to download it, it’s not just yours anymore.
4. Keep your privacy settings as high as possible.
5. Never give out your passwords.
6. Make sure they don’t befriend people you don’t know.
7. Make sure they don’t meet up with people they’ve met online.
8. Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are.
9. Encourage them to respect other people’s views, even if they don’t agree with someone opinion.
10. If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: get them to leave the website, turn off the computer if you want to and report it using;
Key Dates
13th Oct Year 7 2019 Admissions day
15th – 19th Oct Assessment week
22nd – 26th Oct Half term
13th Oct Year 7 2019 Admission day
3rd—7th Dec Exam Week
12th Dec 4.30-6.30pm Parents Eve
14th Dec End of term celebration St John’s Church