Subject information
Geography (Edexcel)
A Course Outline
Simply put, geography is our future. When we look at any issue with the balance and scrutiny that geographical study offers, we move beyond the media hype or political spin. Geography allows us to see the world more clearly.
(Tom Biebrach)
Why should we study Geography at A level?
Geography is unique in that it helps students to see the world as a whole instead of spit up into subject boxes. Geography examines the complex interaction of people and their natural environment and helps students to understand that their decisions and actions will have an impact on the world. Geographers study the world at a local level and at an international level and bring together global political decisions, natural events and changes in lifestyles.
What topics will I study in Year 12 Geography?
Geography is split into four units; the first to studied in year 12, ‘Dynamic Landscapes and Dynamic Places’ explores the meaning and causes of major global issues and gives students the opportunity to evaluate existing attempts to manage these problems and attempts to find some solutions. You will study the big challenges facing the world at the moment and we study a range of global natural hazards which threaten some areas of the world more than others. We focus on Climate Change and Global Warming, seen by many as our greatest environmental challenge.
In year 13 you will study ‘Physical Systems and Sustainability and Human Systems and Geopolitics’.
We study today’s rapid economic changes and how they are impacting unfairly on people across the globe, and the related international issues of population change and migration.
Geography also focuses on fieldwork and practical research. You will use ICT, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Census Data, Historical Maps and many other sources of information as well as your own first hand observations, recording and mapping to look at issues on a local or global scale. You will be required to submit an individual piece of research as part of your exam.
What skills does Geography give you?
Geography helps you to develop your opinions and to make judgements after sifting through evidence. You will learn that there is often no right or wrong answer to global or local problems just a variety of viewpoints. The skill of the Geographer lies in bringing these together.
What Careers can Geography lead to?
Geography is highly respected by Universities and employers and can help lead towards many careers but here are some examples;
Business Management
Charity Management
Public Sector
Human Resources
Policy Advisor
Geography A level Specification
Unit 1 Dynamic Landscapes
Topic 1 Tectonic Processes and Hazards Topic 2 Coastal Landscapes and Change | Unit 2 Dynamic Places
Topic 3 Globalisation Topic 4 Regenerating Places |
Unit 3 Physical Systems and Sustainability
Topic 5 The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity Topic 6 The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security | Unit 4 Human Systems and Geopolitics Topic 7 Superpowers Topic 8 Migration Identity and Sovereignty |
Structure of the Course
The course will be taught for 6 lessons per week. Homework will be set weekly and deadlines must be adhered to. Some fieldwork investigations will take place at weekends or during half terms and student will be expected to make their own way to the study sites.
Course Textbook
Edexcel AS level Geography Textbook ISBN-978-1-292-13962-3
Edexcel A level Geography Textbook ISBN 978-1-292-13965-4