Programme of Study – Year 12

DatesNo of weeksTopics
(3 periods p week)
No. of lessonsTopics
(3 periods p week)
No of lessonsAssessment tasks
September Ð October

7áÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Unit 1 Oral and Unit 2 Reading, Writing and Listening.

Module de Transition Ð bridging the gap between GCSE and A-Level
Module 1 - Culture Jeunes Ð youth culture and concerns
Definite Article
Present tense Ð regular and irregular verbs
Verbs followed by an infinitive/Interrogative forms
Perfect tense of regular and irregular verbs
Perfect tense with tre
Noun plurals and possessive adjectives
Reflexive verbs/Near future tense
Relative pronouns/The future tense/Negation
Direct object pronouns/The imperfect tense
Emphatic pronouns /Demonstrative pronouns
The comparative and the superlative/Adverbs
Revision of the perfect and imperfect tenses
21Weekly grammar and vocab tests
Weekly essay Ð creative / discursive
2 x speaking assessments based on Unit 1 exam, two per unit
OctoberÐ December

7Unit 1 Oral and Unit 2 Reading, Writing and Listening.

Module 2 - Styles de vie Ð lifestyle and health
21áÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Grammar
The conditional tense
Ë or de + infinitive/Pronouns y and en
Revision of the imperfect tense
Making hypothetical statements with si
Present participle/The imperative/The passive
21áÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Weekly grammar and vocab tests
Weekly essay Ð creative / discursive
2 x speaking assessments based on Unit 1 exam, two per unit
JanuaryÐ February

5áÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Unit 1 Oral and Unit 2 Reading, Writing and Listening.

Module 3 Ð Education et avenir Ð talking about education and the future
15áÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Grammar
Revision of the present tense
The subjunctive/Revision of si constructions
Prepositions of time /The perfect infinitive
Combining tenses/The pluperfect
15áÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Weekly grammar and vocab tests
Weekly essay Ð creative / discursive
2 x speaking assessments based on Unit 1 exam, two per unit
FebruaryÐ March

6áÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Unit 1 Oral and Unit 2 Reading, Writing and Listening.

Module 4 Ð Autour de Nous Ð the world around Us
Preparation for Unit 1 AS Oral Exam Ð deciding topic and compiling language dossier.
18áÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Grammar
Indirect speech/Building complex sentences
The past historic/Indefinite pronouns
Verbs followed by ˆ or de + infinitive
Future perfect/Conditional perfect
Impersonal verb/Faire + infinitive
6áÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Weekly grammar and vocab tests
Weekly essay Ð creative / discursive
2 x speaking assessments based on Unit 1 exam, two per unit
AprilÐ April

2áÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Unit 1 Oral Preparation

Revision of AS material
Mock Unit 1 Examination
Pronunciation and fluency workshops
Revision of AS material
Mock Unit 2 Reading, Writing and Listening examination/Revision of grammar
6áÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Mock exam unit 1 & unit 2
Mega grammar test
Weekly past paper from each unit.
Feedback from mock exams and reassessment on weak areas
AprilÐ May

1Examination Week Ð Unit 1 Oral

Final preparations and run-through before examination
3áÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Examination Week Ð Unit 1 Oral

Final examination preparations and run-through
3áÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ AS Unit 1 Examination
May3áÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Examination Week Ð Unit 2 Reading, Writing and Listening
Final preparations and run-through before examination. Authentic Listening Task
9áÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Examination Week Ð Unit 2 Reading, Writing and Listening

Final preparations and run-through before examination. Authentic Listening Tasks
9áÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ AS Unit 2 Examination

Programme of Study – Year 13

Dates,No of weeks,"Topics
(3 periods p week)",No. of lessons,"Topics
(3 periods p week)",No of lessons,Assessment tasks
September 5th – October 21st

",7,"·          Unit 3 Oral and Unit 4 Reading, Writing and Research
Module 1 – Histoire, arts et littérature
Introduction to research based essay and decision upon area of study",21,"·          Grammar
Perfect, pluperfect and imperfect tenses
The future tense; Ce, ceci, cela, ça",21,"·          Weekly grammar and vocab tests
2 x speaking assessments based on Unit 1 exam, two per unit "
October 31st – December 16th

Unit 3 Oral and Unit 4 Reading, Writing and Research
Module 2 – Questions de société, questions d’actualité
,21,"·          Grammar
Mal or mauvais",21,"·          Weekly grammar and vocab tests
2 x speaking assessments based on Unit 1 exam, two per unit
2 x research based essays"
January 9th – February 10th

",5,"·          Unit 3 Oral and Unit 4 Reading, Writing and Research
Complete questions three and four for research based essay",15,"·          Grammar
The position of adjectives",15,"·          Weekly grammar and vocab tests
2 x speaking assessments based on Unit 1 exam, two per unit
2 x research based essays"
February 20th – March 30th

",6,"·          Unit 3 Oral and Unit 4 Reading, Writing and Research
Module 4 – Traditions, croyances et convictions
Prepare one minute presentation for unit 3 oral ",18,"·          Grammar
The subjunctive – present, past, imperfect
Si constructions",6,"·          Weekly grammar and vocab tests
2 x speaking assessments based on Unit 1 exam, two per unit
2 x research based essays"
April 16th – April 27th

",2,"·          Unit 3 Oral Preparation
Pronunciation and fluency workshops",6,"·          Unit 4 Reading, Writing and Research Preparation.
Revision of grammar",6,"Mock unit 3 exam
,1,"·          Examination Week – Unit 3 Oral
Final preparations and run-through before examination.",3,"·          Examination Week – Unit 3 Oral
Final preparations and run-through before examination.",3,·         A2 Unit 3 Examination
May 8th – May 25th ,3,"·          Examination Week – Unit 4 Reading, Writing and Research
Final preparations and run-through before examination.",9,"·          Examination Week – Unit 4 Reading, Writing and Research
Final preparations before examination.",9,"A2 Unit 4 Examination